Financial Tools
Built For You

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Financial Calculators

Let these online calculators shed light on opportunities.

Home Financing

Select your financial calculator below to begin.

One or more of the fields is not filled out.

The date you have entered is invalid!

The amount of time is too large to compute!

The amount is too large to compute!

Percentages cannot exceed 100

How long you plan to keep the property must be less than or equal to the new loan term

Your down payment exceeds the home price

Refinancing Calculator

Refinancing at a lower rate has the potential to save you thousands of dollars in the long run. However, for refinancing to be worth it, the savings in interest must be greater than the fees (i.e. points, closing costs) involved with the refinancing process. The refinancing calculator will take these fees into consideration and tell you how much you could save (or lose) should you decide to refinance at a lower rate.


Existing Loan

Existing Loan Original Loan Amount
Existing Loan Original Mortgage Length
Existing Loan Date of Loan
Existing Loan Current Interest Rate

New Loan

Existing Loan Amount you wish to cash out upon refinance
Existing Loan New Interest Rate
Existing Loan Points
Existing Loan Fees and Closing Costs
Existing Loan New loan term

Other Information

Existing Loan How long will you keep this property

Fixed Rate Mortgage Calculator

Given the information on your fixed rate mortgage, the fixed rate mortgage calculator will determine how much your mortgage payments will be.


Loan Information

Fixed Rate Mortgage Home Price
Fixed Rate Mortgage Down Payment
Fixed Rate Mortgage Loan Term
Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest Rate
Fixed Rate Mortgage Payment Frequency

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Payments Calculator

Calculates the payments and interest on your adjustable rate mortgage.


Loan Information

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Home Price
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Down Payment
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Term
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Beginning Interest Rate
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Rate Cap (Life Rate Cap)
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Maximum First Interval Rate Increase
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Maximum Subsequent Interval Rate Increase
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Months Before First Rate Increase
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Months Between Subsequent Rate Increases

Balloon Mortgage Payment Calculator

A balloon mortgage consists of paying smaller amounts at first, and then paying the a large portion of the mortgage at one time. This will show you the amount needed for a mortgage with a balloon payment.


Balloon Mortgage Home Price
Balloon Mortgage Down Payment Amount
Balloon Mortgage Amortized Over
Balloon Mortgage Current Interest Rate
Balloon Mortgage Balloon Payment After

Rent or Buy Decision Calculator

Buying a home is a huge life decision. The rent or buy calculator compares the cost of renting or buying given a certain time period


Rent Information

Rent Information Monthly Rent
Rent Information Monthly Renter's Insurance
Rent Information How Much Will Rent Increase Each Year?

Purchase Information

Purchase Information Home Price
Purchase Information Down Payment
Purchase Information Interest Rate
Purchase Information Loan Term
Purchase Information Points (%)
Purchase Information Closing Cost for Buying ($)

Home Information

Purchase Information Annual Property Taxes
Purchase Information Average Monthly Maintenance ($)
Purchase Information Monthly Homeowner's Insurance ($)
Purchase Information How Much Will Your Home Appreciate each Year?
Purchase Information Other Monthly Costs (Association dues, etc...)

Personal Information

Purchase Information State and Federal Tax Rate (%)
Purchase Information Investment Rate of Return (or Bank Account Savings Rate %)
Purchase Information How Long Will You Stay at this Property?

Sale Information

Purchase Information Real Esatate Agent Commission
Purchase Information Closing Cost for Selling ($)

Mortgage Comparison Calculator

The mortgage comparison calculator gives you financial statistics on different types of loans.


Loan Information

Mortgage Comparison Loan ID 1
Mortgage Comparison Loan ID 2
Mortgage Comparison Loan ID 3
Mortgage Comparison Down Payment 1
Mortgage Comparison Down Payment 2
Mortgage Comparison Down Payment 3
Mortgage Comparison Loan Term 1
Mortgage Comparison Loan Term 2
Mortgage Comparison Loan Term 3
Mortgage Comparison Interest Rate 1
Mortgage Comparison Interest Rate 2
Mortgage Comparison Interest Rate 3
Mortgage Comparison Points 1
Mortgage Comparison Points 2
Mortgage Comparison Points 3
Mortgage Comparison Other Fees 1
Mortgage Comparison Other Fees 2
Mortgage Comparison Other Fees 3
Mortgage Comparison Loan Type 1
Mortgage Comparison Loan Type 2
Mortgage Comparison Loan Type 3
Mortgage Comparison Adjustable Type 1
Mortgage Comparison Adjustable Type 2
Mortgage Comparison Adjustable Type 3
Mortgage Comparison Maximum Initial Rate Adjustment 1
Mortgage Comparison Maximum Initial Rate Adjustment 2
Mortgage Comparison Maximum Initial Rate Adjustment 3
Mortgage Comparison Maximum Subsequent Rate Adjustment 1
Mortgage Comparison Maximum Subsequent Rate Adjustment 2
Mortgage Comparison Maximum Subsequent Rate Adjustment 3
Mortgage Comparison Anticipated Rate Cap 1
Mortgage Comparison Anticipated Rate Cap 2
Mortgage Comparison Anticipated Rate Cap 3

All Loans

Mortgage Comparison Home Price
Mortgage Comparison Your Income Tax Rate
Mortgage Comparison How Long Will You Stay in this House(Years)?

Payment Plans

You can save a lot of money if you increase your monthly mortgage payment in order to pay it off faster. Find out how much you could save over the life of your loan.


Loan Information

Payments Plans Original Loan Amount
Payments Plans Original Mortgage Length
Payments Plans Date of Loan
Payments Plans Current Interest Rate
Payments Plans Date of First Extra Payment
Payments Plans Additional Payment Amount and Payment Type

Mortgage Qualification

Estimates a loan amount that you could qualify for.



Mortgage Qualification Combined Gross Annual Income

Monthly Expenses

Mortgage Qualification Minimum Monthly Credit Card Payments
Mortgage Qualification Car Payments
Mortgage Qualification Other Fixed Monthly Debt Expenses

Loan Information

Mortgage Qualification Down Payment
Mortgage Qualification Interest Rate
Mortgage Qualification New Loan Term

Payment Information

Mortgage Qualification Monthly Insurance and Other Costs
Mortgage Qualification Monthly Association Dues (If Any)
Mortgage Qualification Annual Property Tax

Home Affordability

Computes the most expensive house you can buy.


Monthly Payment Information

Home Affordability Highest Payment You can Afford (Include all Taxes, Fees, Dues, Insurance, etc...)

Payment Breakdown

Home Affordability Monthly Insurance and Other Costs
Home Affordability Annual Property Tax
Home Affordability Monthly Associations Dues (If Any)

Loan Information

Home Affordability Down Payment
Home Affordability Loan Term
Home Affordability Interest Rate

Personal Information

Home Affordability Combined State and Federal Tax Rate

Loan Consolidation

Factors in the costs and benefits of consolidating your debts to determine whats the financially best way to pay them off.



Add Row Remove Row
Loan Balance 0
Loan Payment 0
Loan Interest Rate 0

Credit Cards

Add Row Remove Row
Credit Card Remaining Amount 0
Credit Card Rate 0

Consolidated Loan

Consolidated Loan Interest Rate:
Consolidated Loan Term:
Consolidated Loan Fees:
Consolidated Loan Points(%):
Consolidated Loan Savings Rate(%)):
Consolidated Loan Invest(%):
Calculator Information

The monthly payment calculated factors in both the principal and interest. It does not factor in other mortgages costs such as annual property tax, HOA fees, PMI, etc.

Calculator Disclaimer

These financial calculators are made available as tools for your independent use. We cannot and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified professionals regarding personal finance issues.

Personal Financing

Select your financial calculator below to begin.

One or more of the fields is not filled out.

The date you have entered is invalid!

The amount of time is too large to compute!

The amount is too large to compute!

Percentages cannot exceed 100

How long you plan to keep the property must be less than or equal to the new loan term

Your down payment exceeds the home price

Car Affordability

Calculates the most expensive car you can afford.


Financial Information

Car Affordability Highest Monthly Payment you can Afford
Car Affordability Down Payment($)
Car Affordability Trade-in Value (If Any)
Car Affordability Loan Term
Car Affordability Interest Rate

Credit Card Payoff

Determines how long it will take to pay off credit card debt.


Card Information

Credit Card Payoff Current Balance
Credit Card Payoff Monthly Payment
Credit Card Payoff Interest Rate

Saving for College

Calculates a monthly savings amount in order to reach your college savings goal.


College Financial Information

Saving for College Today's Yearly Tuition
Saving for College Years of College
Saving for College Amount you Have Now
Saving for College Years Until College Begins
Saving for College Expected Interest Rate
Saving for College Expected Inflation Rate

Big Purchase

Computes how much money you will need to save each month in order to purchase something big.


Financial Information

Big Purchase After-Tax amount savings goal
Big Purchase Amount you have now
Big Purchase How long will you save
Big Purchase Expected Interest Rate
Big Purchase Income Tax Rate


Based on your financial details, the borrowing calculator determines how much money you can feasibly borrow and pay back.


Financial Information

Borrowing Payment Amount
Borrowing Number of Payments
Borrowing Interest Rate

Loan Rates

Given loan information, determines the interest rate on that loan.


Loan Information

Loan Rates Purchase Price
Loan Rates Down Payment Amount
Loan Rates Payment Amount
Loan Rates Loan term

Paying Off a Loan

Determines how long it will take you to payoff a loan.


Loan Information

Paying Off a Loan Purchase Price
Paying Off a Loan Down Payment Amount
Paying Off a Loan Payment Amount
Paying Off a Loan Interest Rate

Loan Payments

Determines the payment on a loan with a fixed rate.


Loan Information

Loan Payments Purchase Price
Loan Payments Down Payment Amount
Loan Payments Loan Term
Loan Payments Interest Rate
Loan Payments Trade in Amount
Loan Payments Trade in Payoff
Loan Payments Payment Frequency

Car Purchasing

Helps decide if an Auto Loan or Home Equity Loan is best for purchasing a car.


Auto Loan Information

Car Purchasing Price (pre tax)
Car Purchasing Loan term
Car Purchasing Interest Rate
Car Purchasing Cash Down
Car Purchasing Fees
Car Purchasing Sales Tax Rate
Car Purchasing Trade Allowance
Car Purchasing Amount Owed on Trade

Home Equity Loan Information

Car Purchasing Home Equity Price (pre tax)
Car Purchasing Home Equity Loan term
Car Purchasing Home Equity Loan Interest Rate
Car Purchasing Home Equity Loan Closing Costs
Car Purchasing Home Equity Loan Federal Tax Rate
Car Purchasing Home Equity Loan State Tax Rate

Debt Elimination

This calculator helps you evaluate various strategies for paying off your debt. When one debt is paid off, the payment amount normally applied to that debt is made available for use against another debt. This is referred to as the rollover strategy. Add an additional monthly payment for debt reduction to accelerate the payoff.


Debt Information

Add Row Remove Row
Debt Elimination Type 0
Debt Elimination Creditor 0
Debt Elimination Interest Rate 0
Debt Elimination Current Balance 0
Debt Elimination Amount You Pay 0
Debt Elimination Minimum Amount 0
Debt Elimination Additional Monthly Payment for Debt Reduction

Debt Payoff Strategy

For the lease expensive debt payoff strategy, choose HIGHEST RATE FIRST and USE MINIMUM AMOUNT DUE

Debt Elimination Debt Payoff Order
Debt Elimination Minimum Amounts
Calculator Information

The monthly payment calculated factors in both the principal and interest. It does not factor in other mortgages costs such as annual property tax, HOA fees, PMI, etc.

Calculator Disclaimer

These financial calculators are made available as tools for your independent use. We cannot and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified professionals regarding personal finance issues.

Lease Financing

Select your financial calculator below to begin.

One or more of the fields is not filled out.

The date you have entered is invalid!

The amount of time is too large to compute!

The amount is too large to compute!

Percentages cannot exceed 100

How long you plan to keep the property must be less than or equal to the new loan term

Your down payment exceeds the home price

Affordable Lease

This calculator computes the amount you can afford to lease.


Lease Information

Affordable Lease Payment Amount
Affordable Lease Rate
Affordable Lease Residual Amount
Affordable Lease Term
Affordable Number of Advance Payments

Lease Residual

This calculator computes the residual to satisfy a known payment amount, number of payments, lease rate, and lease amount.


Lease Information

Lease Residual Lease Amount
Lease Residual Payment Amount
Lease Residual Lease Rate
Lease Residual Lease Term
Lease Residual Number of Advance Payments

Lease Payments

This calculator computes the payment amount necessary to satisfy a known lease amount, lease rate, residual amount, and number of payments.


Lease Information

Lease Payments Lease Amount
Lease Payments Lease Rate
Lease Payments Residual Amount
Lease Payments Lease Term
Lease Payments Number of Advance Payments

Lease Rate

This calculator computes the lease rate based on a known payment amount, lease amount, residual amount, and lease term.


Lease Information

Lease Rate Lease Amount
Lease Rate Payment Amount
Lease Rate Residual Amount
Lease Rate Lease Term
Lease Rate Number of Advance Payments

Equipment Affordablity

This calculator computes the amount you can afford to lease.


Lease Information

Equipment Affordablity Payment Amount
Equipment Affordablity Lease Rate
Equipment Affordablity Residual Amount
Equipment Affordablity Lease Term
Equipment Affordablity Number of Advance Payments
Equipment Affordablity Compounding Period

Equipment Residual

This calculator computes the residual to satisfy a known payment amount, number of payments, lease rate, and lease amount.


Lease Information

Equipment Residual Lease Amount
Equipment Residual Payment Amount
Equipment Residual Payment Amount
Equipment Residual Lease Term
Equipment Residual Number of Advance Payments
Equipment Residual Payment Period

Equipment Payments

This calculator computes the payment amount necessary to satisfy a known lease amount, lease rate, residual amount, and number of payments


Lease Information

Equipment Payments Lease Amount
Equipment Payments Lease Rate
Equipment Payments Residual Amount
Equipment Payments Lease Term
Equipment Payments Number of Advance Payments
Equipment Payments Payment Period

Equipment Lease Rate

This calculator computes the payment amount necessary to satisfy a known lease amount, lease rate, residual amount, and number of payments.


Lease Information

Equipment Lease Amount
Equipment Lease Payment Amount
Equipment Lease Residual Amount
Equipment Lease Rate Term
Equipment Lease Number of Advance Payments
Equipment Lease Payment Period
Calculator Information

The monthly payment calculated factors in both the principal and interest. It does not factor in other mortgages costs such as annual property tax, HOA fees, PMI, etc.

Calculator Disclaimer

These financial calculators are made available as tools for your independent use. We cannot and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified professionals regarding personal finance issues.

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